Thursday, September 24, 2009

Desk Lamp Daddy Chooses Outreach Project

Desk Lamp Daddy, seller of innovative and classic desk lamps, happily announces the decision to dedicate 75% of our profits to support the Church of Shambhala Vajradhara Maitreya Sangha Monastery in Lake County, California. This project stands out in several important ways.
The entire complex of seven interconnected structures will have a zero carbon footprint. Six of the structures are monlithic domes known for their durability, energy efficiency and fire proof walls. The seventh and central building is a 51* pyramid with super insulated walls. Even during construction there are four operational wind turbines, with plans for solar energy collection. Electric vehicles will service the site.
Aside from the buildings themselves, the site will be used for important activities such as Soul Therapy retreats (a registered trademark). Soul therapy is currently available at sites across the country and around the world, but the opportunity to come for sessions in the monastery will be truly significant for those taking part. Soul therapy was originated by His Holiness Buddha Maitreya, recognized by many Tibetan Buddhist lineages as the reincarnation of important Buddhist saints. The blessings flowing through his tools and Soul therapy sessions are very important for individuals and humanity as a whole. The monastery will also house a group of nuns and monks.
Please allow DeskLampDaddy to help fill your desk lighting needs and support the completion of this magnificent project.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Full Spectrum Lighting and Color

In the world of art it is well known that in order to see color accurately, full spectrum lighting is essential. Museums insist on using full spectrum in their exhibit areas and restoration work. While most of us are not working in art museums, many of us can benefit from the increased accuracy in color perception that full spectrum lighting provides. Tasks where color matters are myriad. They include sewing, make-up, interior design, and reading from a computer screen.

The even distribution of wave lenghths in full spectrum bulbs avoids the high concentration of some wave lengths combined with the absence of others found in conventional lighting sources. Where wave lenghths are missing, the eye cannot perceive the associated colors.

Full spectrum lighting is now available on the market at reasonable prices. Check for a sale on these lights through September.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Evaluating Full Spectrum Products

Full spectrum lighting products are readily available on the market these days. Many are expensive when compared to conventional lighting sources, making it important to know how to evaluate full spectrum products. It is not necessary to pay much more than for full spectrum lighting that delivers a light balanced across the visible spectrum than conventional lighting with peaks and troughs at various points in the spectrum. Full spectrum products should score above 70 on a Spectral Power Distribution test (SPD) or 2.0 on a Full spectrum Index (FSI). These measures determine that a light source remains even across the spectrum. Full spectrum lighting will be on sale at through September.