Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Design schools and the real world

In every era there are those people focused on interior design. Many times architechture is their focus, although they have also come from the ranks of fine arts academies. Whatever their backgrounds, it has always taken a group of influential people influencing one another to result in the formation of a design school. The people directly participating in shaping a new direction in design are most often working for wealthy patrons, who fund the bringing of vision into reality.

While a relatively small percentage of the general population is busy contemplating design and creating environments in which their ideas are expressed, the majority of the population live their lives on the periphery of the world of design. Today's world sees the availability of a variety of goods inspired by design schools in many eras. We are not bound by time, but have the choice to create our home and work environments from a diverse selection of goods inspired over time in many eras.

That selection of products has expanded exponintially with the availabilty of products through the internet. What is difficult to find in small locales is available to anyone with search skills on the web. Although it is likely that our individual preferences are more determined by outside influence than we are aware, we are free to express our own sense of style in whatever way we see fit to do so.

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